Frequently asked questions

How to make the most of Verbate

Crafting a campaign

Creating a new campaign

Crafting your campaign well will make the difference between a good and great campaign. Select new interview to create your campaign.

  • Title This will be displayed to the end user.
  • Description Give precise instructions to your filmers here. If you want them to show you something on camera, film for no longer than 30 seconds, or get creative, this is your chance to tell them
  • Questions Open ended or closed? Keep your questions concise.
  • PrivacyPrivate means that only account holders can view submissions. Public means that these will be viewable after upload and searchable on Google.

Editing a campaign

The edit button can be found top right in the campaign view.

How to get the best results

We publish some of the best practices we see on our blog on a weekly basis. If you have specific questions, or are running a large campaign, reach out to the team and we’ll be glad to help you craft a great campaign

Inviting people

Inviting someone to participate

You can choose to invite someone via email, sms, or publishing a join link online.

  1. Create your campaign and then select the “Invite new” button.
  2. Either enter the recipients email or international mobile number.
  3. Choose customize to add a message and caller id.
  4. To invite a large number of people, or publish a join link, select “I want to send in bulk”.

Custom invites

You can completely customize invites to your brand using your email client.

  1. Create your Verbate campaign as usual.
  2. Craft an invite using your favourite email client.
  3. In the invite tab on Verbate, select “I want to send in bulk”. Select the Join link, and paste this int your campaign as the invite link.

Open invites on social media / online

Publish your campaign join link online for open invitations

  1. Create your Verbate campaign as usual.
  2. In the invite tab on Verbate, select “I want to send in bulk”. Select the Join link, and paste this onto your social media / website.
  3. You may wish to craft a button. I.e. for an ecommerce site use “leave video testimonial”.

Group invites / large campaigns

You can use Verbate to invite as many respondents as you like.

  1. Create your campaign and then select the “Invite new” button.
  2. Select the “I want to send in bulk” link.
  3. Download the csv, and paste in your database contacts in the EXACT format given (don’t forget international dialing codes if using sms).
  4. Upload and this will be sent to either emails mobiles (sms default).
  5. You can also use the join link to create a custom invite.

Getting successful responses

We publish some of the best practices we see on our blog on a weekly basis. If you have specific questions, or are running a large campaign, reach out to the team and we’ll be glad to help you craft a great campaign

Running the campaign

Checking status of responses

Verbate tracks the status of everyone you invite. Open your campaign. You’ll see next to each invite there is a status:

  • In progress: The user has started the interview.
  • Complete: The videos are finished & uploaded
  • Awaiting response: The user has not yet started. You may wish to follow these up after a day or so.
*For public invites, tracking starts after they enter their details on the submission page.

Ordering videos

Use the Order by function to easily sort large volumes of video

Watching videos

Select any video to open the video panel. Here you can watch the video, share, download and embed the video.

User contact details

Respondents contact details can be found in the video view panel to the left under Details.

Sharing video & collecting data

Embedding & sharing videos

In the video view panel, you can share your video via the Share link or Facebook post. To embed just the video player, use our embed link and copy the code. You can see a simple example here on our blog:

Downloading your video

Play the video, right click and “save as”.

Video transcription

If you have a lot of video to process, or would like to capture the data in text format we offer full transcription services. Contact with your requirements.

Video edits

Showing a video edit of the best video in a campaign to your end client, or board is one of the most powerful ways to convey insights and ideas. We offer full video editing capabilities. Contact with your requirements.

Campaign services

Need an insights report? Want us to do the work for you? Contact for more information.

Getting the best results

Read our blog

Read our blog here for constant advice on the best ways to collect video. If you have any other questions, or you are running a large project you can contact one of the team for best advice too.


Every campaign is different, but here a few bits of Sage advice to get you started:

  • Incentivisation is key. What will make them respond? Passion or exchange?
  • Craft your questions carefully. Try open vs closed questions.
  • Send times. Invites before work get better response rates than after work.
  • Collect visual content. Have people show you things / test products.
  • Experiment. Don’t be afraid to try different things to find what works.

Market research:

Try social media to recruit respondents. This can work amazingly well.

  • Spread campaign over a number of days, maybe one video a day. Think of day 1 as practice.
  • Let respondents “ramble”. This monologue gives amazing insights.
  • Seek visual insights such as “show us your workplace”

User generated content:

Be creative, video is mobile so get respondents out of the house. Inspire passion over payment for incentivisation. Seed campaigns to set examples.


Seek advocates first, Ask questions aligning with your brand values. Timing – Ask after delivery of successful product / campaign


Make sure you are transparent at all times with your respondents.

Can I use videos for marketing?

You need to have approval from respondents. A video question asking them if they approve use of video can cover this. Otherwise, collect content, then specifically ask everyone you wish to use this from.

How private are my videos

If you select Private when you set up the account, only account holders can view these.


I need more video?

You can upgrade your account in account settings

I want transcriptions of my video

Please contact the team with the subject: "transcriptions"

How do I turn off email notifications:

Email notification settings are in your account

I’ve forgotton my password

Use this link to reset your password:

My upload is taking forever:

Its likely that your video is very large, try the following to reduce the size of your videos:

  • Keep your video to less than 1minute length.

  • If you are using an android or windows phone, make sure you change your camera quality settings to 480 or smaller.
  • Try using our desktop uploader. Open your invite link on your computer and upload there.
  • Try compressing your video before uploading. The easiest way to do this it to use Quicktime player (
  • If you are still experiencing problems please email and we’ll help you out.

My upload does not work:

See My upload is taking forever. If you are still experiencing problems please email and we’ll help you out.

My brand name does not display as a caller id?

Caller ID’s only work in some countries, and not on all networks. If you are in the USA, Canada, New Zealand or some networks in Singapore you will receive a message from a secure number instead. Other countries may have varying laws.