Researching, fast and slow

In his landmark book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman changed the way millions of people thought about their brains and caused headaches for a lot of market researchers in the proc...

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United Airlines - Does it matter to customers?

A lot has been written about the forcible removal of Dr Dao, covering failings at every level of United’s organisation. The somewhat grim truth is that it probably won’t stop most customers flying...

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How People Convey Emotion Beyond Words and Why It Matters To Your Research

If you’ve ever done a bit of reading on body language and communication, you may have stumbled upon the ‘7%-38%-55% Rule’. This principle dates back to the 1960s and the research of Professor Alber...

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An introduction to finding video research respondents

Your brand or client is facing a challenge; a new product launch, product re-positioning, a disconnect between customers and team, and to solve this you need to turn to the market for new insight.

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Video - The ultimate tool for emotional insight

It’s easy to forget that behind every news headline, whether politics, business, finance or major world events, are people. People bear the brunt of these events, which is easily lost through some...

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